Thursday, September 4, 2014

On the road again



Well, almost! We leave early* tomorrow morning, Lord willing, for the great state of Wyoming…uncharted territory for us! As much as I love the South in general and Mississippi in particular, by this time of the year I’m more than willing to leave it behind in search of cooler places.

(“Broiling” would be not too strong a term for describing the summer months around here, people. Long live swimming pools, muddy creeks, watermelon, and Gatorade…air conditioning too of course!)

So yes, we can’t wait to hit the road and see what adventures God has in store along the way. We’ll be visiting friends, playing a gig or two, overnighting it at Yellowstone….and I’ll TRY to update the blog here and there while we’re at it. We appreciate any and all prayers for safe travel, and we pray God blesses each of you as you move into a new season and continue to live for him each day!



*There is some confusion in our family over what constitutes “early”. There are those who contend that a departure must occur before 4:00 am to be considered early, while others argue that anytime in the forenoon hours is plenty early enough. Then there are those, eager to be on our way, who suggest we leave “early” as in the evening before. All of the above suggestions have been tried at various times over the years, and still the debate continues. Not that it matters, as we seem to arrive late no matter when we leave. What do y’all think? What does early look like at your house? :)


  1. For the Laird household, early simply means not late! :) If we are going on a trip, we usually set a goal of leaving at a certain time (say 9 AM), and end up leaving anywhere from a half hour to two hours later! It really doesn't matter what time we leave though, because any "spare time" is going to be spent stopping along the way! :)

    I hope y'all have a fantastic time on your trip! Take lots of photos; I've always wanted to see Yellowstone!

